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http://news.yahoo.com/cover-china-auto-show-scantily-clad-models-banned-061214865.html 以前在中国的车展上(上海或者其他地方)都会有车模的身影,她们靠衣着暴露一举成名,网民们称这种现象为“卖肉”。 according to a directive leaked to Chinesemedia, organisers of this year's event aimed to bring attention back to thecurves of the vehicles, and create an "orderly, clean, safe"atmosphere. 根据披露给中国媒体的指示,今年车展主办机构的目标是让人们把注意力放在汽车的曲线上,并创造一个“有序,干净和安全”的氛围。 The move also followed a deadly New Year'sEve stampede in Shanghai, which prompted the government to crack down on eventswhich could cause dangerous overcrowding.   这个举动发生在上海致命的新年踩踏之后,所以政府采取措施禁止任何活动出现过度拥挤的现象。 Like veteran bird-watchers, show visitorsswapped accounts of real and possibly imagined models. "We saw some peoplelooking model-ish around there," an industry official said. 像经验丰富的野鸟观察者一样,人们相互交流经验看看哪里有模特。“我们看到这里有些人很像模特,”一名业内人士如此说道。 Japan's Toyota substituted a row of youngmen in black polo shirts. "We're just standing here. We're notmodels," one said when asked about his role. 日本丰田汽车则用一排穿黑色马球衫的年轻男子来代替。“我们只是站在这里,并不是模特,”其中一名男子如此说道。 Suzuki Motor Corp. did have women modelsalongside its cars, but fully covered in all-white dresses with fashionablescarves around their necks. 铃木汽车公司确实使用了女性模特,但是全身上下穿着全白色的连衣裙,脖子上还戴着时髦的围巾。 According to the leaked directive,organisers had urged exhibitors to "Put an end to the phenomenon of alltypes of vulgarity, harm to civilised society and ill-intentionedsensationalism," ordering them to provide visitors with "artisticenjoyment" instead. 根据这个泄漏出来的指令,主办方要求参展商“结束所有形式的粗俗现象,停止对文明社会造成伤害,以及停止恶意的哗众取宠”,要求他们给参观者提供“艺术的享受”。 Ford lacked models, but the US automakersubstituted two dancers interacting with computer images on a giant screen tolaunch its new Taurus into the China market. 福特公司也没有模特,但是该公司用一男一女两名舞者来替代,让他们和一个巨型屏幕上的电脑影像进行互动以向中国市场发布该公司新的金牛座汽车。 They even went through a rapid costumechange on stage, but with their modesty preserved -- by a curtain for the manand a red flag for the woman. 他们甚至还在台上进行了快速的换装,但是依然稳重——男子换装时用幕帘遮住,女子换装时用了一面红旗。 Denne herre betaler! 12 hours ago 1 反对 1 赞同 Best pat of car shows are the models. Theydo not have to be attired like porn stars. Just dress in fashion and they areknockouts.   车展最好的地方就是这些车模了。她们没有必要像色情明星那样装扮。只要穿得时尚一点,她们就是绝代佳人了。 William 12 hours ago 2 1 Harm to society?! Society is a concept notan actual thing that can be harmed. Anyway how is men and women dressed inminimal attire a harm to individuals? What next, ban bathing suits at thebeach?   对社会造成危害?!社会只是一个概念,不是一个可以被伤害的真实事物。男女衣着暴露怎么就对个体造成伤害了?接下来要怎么做,禁止人们在沙滩上穿泳衣? steve 16 hours ago 0 1 Having lived in Beijing several years, whenit warms up the girls will wear very short dresses and shorts but the Chinesewomen hardly ever show any cleavage.   我在北京已经住了几年,天气转暖时,女孩们就会穿非常短的裙子,但是中国女性几乎不展示任何乳沟。 headstrong harry 14 hours ago Sex always sells!   性永远都是拿来卖的! GetDownTurnAround 16 hours ago America invented scantily clad car models.   是美国发明了衣着暴露的车模。 Dan 9 hours ago This is great ! It would be nice to seeless sexploitation going on here. you really don't need sex to sell a car, ormany other goods. Chinese girls instead need to see females making it inpolitics, computers, engineering, management   这很好!更少的色情利用,这很好。真的没有必要用性来销售汽车或者其他产品。相反,中国女性应该在政治,计算机,工程和管理方面展示出自己的才能。 j 7 hours ago that is no fun.   那就没意思了。 译者:么么哒思密达-
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